Websters-Computers NTP page
I run several NTP servers, They are all stratum 2 NTP servers running on Linux.
All my servers take part in the NTP pool project. To use the pool within your NTP client, follow the instructions on the page "How do I use pool.ntp.org?".
You are free to use my servers within your NTP client (see below) but i would recommend using the NTP pool project.
Using My Servers
I have setup a round robin address of ntp.websters-computers.com which will randomly select one of my servers to use. Please only use the domain name and not the IP addresses as these may change over time.
Here is a list of my current servers and locations
ntp2.websters-computers.com - NTP pool Stats IPv4 - Pool Stats IPv6 - Location:Roubaix, France.
ntp1.websters-computers.com - NTP pool Stats IPv4 - Pool Stats IPv6 - Location:Falkenstein, Germany.
Why did you setup a public NTP server
Basically because I wanted too, Also the load this places on the server is minimal
and it has the added benefit that I can use it for time synchronization for my business customers.
How long have you been a member of the pool.ntp.org service
Since February 2010.
What speed setting are you using
Depends on the server, Anywhere from "Net speed: 100 Mbit" to "Net speed: 1000 Mbit".
Any other sites with statistics
None currently known.
If you find another site with statistics and want it listed email me ntp@websters-computers.com
Why don't you become a stratum 1 server
While a stratum 1 server is very tempting, the cost for the hardware is very expensive.
Also the datacenters the servers are located in probably couldn't get any of the radio signals
and they're not going to let me drill a hole in the wall to run an antenna outside.
What is a stratum 1 server
The basic definition of a stratum 1 time server is that it be directly linked (not over a network path)
to a reliable source of UTC time such as GPS, WWV, DCF77, or CDMA transmissions.
Timestamps generated by a stratum 1 time server will typically have 10 microseconds accuracy to UTC.
What is a stratum 2 server
Stratum 2 servers are connected to several Stratum 1 timeserver via a network.
Thus, a stratum-2 server gets its time via NTP packet requests from a stratum 1 server.
Timestamps from a stratum 2 server will have anywhere from 0.5 to 100 milliseconds accuracy to UTC.
Joining the pool
If you have a computer with a static IP address, permanent and stable internet connection and is always on, please consider joining the pool. I must emphasize that joining the pool is a long term commitment.